Christmas Lights
Christmas/party Lights
C7 and C9 Christmas lights are the classic “big bulb” Christmas lights everyone loves. Larger C9 bulbs look great outlining rooflines and gutters. Smaller C7 bulbs are perfect for pathway lights, outlining balconies and other smaller spaces. Choose from complete string light and pathway light sets, replacement bulbs, or customize your Christmas lights by choosing bulbs and stringer separately. No matter what you’re in the mood for, we’re here to light the way.
You’ve seen them everywhere, although you may not realize it. Outlining rooftops at Christmas, like a welcome sign for Santa. Outlining driveways and walkways, as if to welcome friends and neighbors to your front door. Or glowing like candles in trees and greenery, celebrating the sacredness of the season. They’re “C bulbs” – C7 and C9 Christmas lights, the “big bulb” lights that conjure warm memories of Christmases past even as they invite you to create new memories at Christmas today.
C7 Christmas light bulbs have E12 bases and are smaller than C9 bulbs. Because of their small size, C7 bulbs are popular for use indoors and on smaller residences like condos and townhomes. C7 bulbs can be wrapped around indoor trees and used to illuminate a festive mantel display. Outdoor uses include wrapping columns, railings and small bushes or outlining windows and door frames.
C9 Christmas light bulbs have E17 bases and are noticeably larger than C7s. They are especially eye catching from structures that are tall or further away, and perfect for large scale holiday displays. While C9 bulbs are regularly used to outline roofs and driveways, these bold lights have also become a popular alternative to globe patio lights for use during outdoor events and everyday backyard patio lighting.